The 4th Meeting of the
Working Group on Rad. Corrections |
The 4th working group meeting will be held in Beijing between October 9th to 11th of 2008. The timing of the meeting coincides with the start of the data taking of BES-III which will be in June of the year. All the MC generators in the working group's agenda, KKMC, PHOKHARA, BABAYAGA and MCGPJ will be used in BES-III physics. At the same time, the B-factor at KEK, Japan will start upgrade from the year of 2009. The even higher luminosity will pose new challenges to the calculations of radiative corrections and MC generators. The third electron-positron colliding experiment VEPP-2000 at Novosibirsk, Siberia of Russia starts taking data between 1 to 2 GeV this year. It is a good choice to have the working group meeting in Asia-Pacific region. The time of the meeting is almost immediately after the 2008 summer Olympic Game in Beijing. You will feel the atmosphere of a grand festival. October is the best season for tourists in Beijing. The sky is clear, the temperature is comfortable and the scenery is most beautiful. The meeting will be held in a meeting room in the main building of IHEP between October 9th to 11th. We plan to have seminars on the four MC generators KKMC, PHOKHARA, BABAYAGA and MCGPJ after the meeting, on October 13th and 14th (Monday and Tuesday). Following seminars, we shall have discussions between the authors of these MC generators and BES and BELLE people. So we urge you to stay a few days longer after the meeting. In the meeting room, there is a projector so you bring the slides of your talk in your laptop computer or memory stick. You may also ftp the file from a server in your home institute. In IHEP main building, there is wireless access of internet by your laptop computer. These conditions are like in every other HEP lab around the world. Return to the website of the working group on Rad. corrrections and MC generators for low energies |