The 4th Meeting of the
Working Group on Rad. Corrections |
Thursday Oct 9 =============== 14:30: Welcome (by Dr. Yifang.Wang, speaker of BES and deputy director of IHEP) 14:40: Introduction/Aim of the meeting (H.Czyz/G. Venanzoni) --------------------------------------------------------- 15:00 Session on "MC for R measurements with energy scan" --------------------------------------------------------- 15:00 G.Fedotovich "MCGPJ for the process $e^+e^- \to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^{0}$" 15:30 F.Ignatov "Calculation of the VP effects with pro mille accuracy" 16:00 A.Sibidanov "TBA" 16:30-17:00 Coffee break 17:00-18:30 Discussion 19:30 Dinner Friday Oct 10 ======================== 8:30 Session on "Luminosity" --------------------------- 8:30 J. Kuehn "Two-loop QED Hadronic Corrections to Bhabha Scattering" 9:00 T.Riemann "Status of the bhbhnnlo project" 9:30 J.Gluza "TBA" 10:00 A.Arbuzov: "Systematic treatment of second order next-to-leading QED correction to Bhabha scattering" 30' 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00 Session on "ISR" --------------------- 11:00 S. Mueller "Status and prospects of ISR at KLOE" 11:30 H.Czyz "The forthcoming PHOKHARA upgrades" 12:00 O. Shekhovtsova "TBA" 12:00 Session on "Tau" --------------------- 12:00 Z. Was "Status and perspectives of PHOTOS and TAUOLA projects with comments on KKMC and BHLUMI" 12:30-13:00 Discussion 13:00 Lunch 15:00 General discussion/Discussion on the report(I) 19:30 Dinner Saturday, Oct 11 ================ 9-12: Discussion on the report(II) |